Monitoring the average weights of your flock from day one is a very important management tool in poultry farming and this calls for all commercial poultry farmers to own digital weighing scales.
About 10% of the flock is measured from different points of the house randomly.
1.In the early stages of life of a flock, weighing will help u find the average weight and uniformity of the flock weekly for key decisions to be made.
2.Note that young birds being extremely beyond the average weight in the guide might indicate danger.
3.Weekly measuring is not advised in actively laying birds since it can cause stress especially in very hot days but it can be done in cases of in explained reduction in production and also use of APSA AMNOVIT OR APSA POLIVIT can reduce the effect.
4.Remember the best weights for egg production in layers is between 1.6kg to 2.0kg so do not expect bird below 1.5kg to lay and those above 2.2kg are tending to the obesity point which is associated with issues like prolapse.
5.In case of disease, stress, change in quality and quantity of feed etc, bird can lose around 50g to 100g per week sending it to a level in weight where it can not lay any egg. This has been the case to many experiencing serious production declines.
Therefore before complaining, and pumping antibiotics to your birds or calling vet doctors, get to know the weight trends of the flock.
For any questions about poultry u can call Dr. Juma on 0758943235/ 0786712645
One Reply to “Weighing birds a key monitoring tool in poultry”
I have great interest in layers and this particular information is really vital to me, thank you so much