“A place for everything and everything in its place,” is a familiar quote that farmers must keep in mind. It is a quote that says that everything should have a place to be stored and when not in use it should be returned to that place. Are you a believer in this type of cleanliness? Well, if
Local chicken is a bit easy to rear now days compared to the past since they can now reproduce with less management and can survive on their own. There are many things that one can do in order to start rearing local chicken and we all have many questions like how do I start, what
One of the hardest things in keeping chickens is keeping those chickens out of the reach of chicken predators. It seems that everything wants to eat chickens: But you’re smarter than they are. Here’s how to keep your hens safe. Most common chicken predators include; Neighborhood dogs Chicken hawks Feral and domestic cats Bobcats Owls
Yes, removal of wastes from cages is yet another hectic activity, many fear the stinch or smell from the droppings and the tiresome ness especially when birds are many. Am happy many planned earlier and earlier and made deep trenches where the droppings can land such that the distance from the droppings to the lower
Always Keep Eggs In Their Carton Statistically it is a proven habit that most poultry farmers in Uganda are used to storing their eggs in an egg carton. We know a lot of people like to throw away the egg carton when they get home and store their eggs in the little egg caddy that comes with your
Layer chicken are prized for their egg production and therefore a farmer must be prepared to apply management skills to ensure that the health of his chicken is not compromised. Getting fresh eggs from the backyard farm of layers depends on good management skills so one must keep their layer chicken healthy in the process.
Record maintenance is a crucial activity in any business. It serves as an important source for monitoring and evaluation as well as to analyze the profit or loss made. A business can be efficiently managed, only if proper recording of data is carried out periodically. So, we should keep farming records as also a business tool;
Having a flock of chicken requires some tasks that you need to tend to daily and monthly. These chores will keep your hens happy, healthy, and safe. Chicken care doesn’t have to be hard, and these tips can help you make sure you’re giving your chickens everything they need. Daily Tasks Check water and clean/refill
All types of ingredient, as well as completed compound feeds, require special care during storage to prevent deterioration in quality, and loss. Additionally, they are very valuable commodities and need to be subjected to careful stock control to prevent theft. Here at Sokies Feeds we value the quality of our feeds and take optimum care to provide
Below is a nimble simple way to sustain a successive brooding record sop as to yield success in the venture and keep track of mortality rate among your poultry chicks. It will help you to know factors for mortality rate, balance any influctuations amongst your brood and prepare to curb any future challenges faced on