Always Keep Eggs In Their Carton Statistically it is a proven habit that most poultry farmers in Uganda are used to storing their eggs in an egg carton. We know a lot of people like to throw away the egg carton when they get home and ...
Layer chicken are prized for their egg production and therefore a farmer must be prepared to apply management skills to ensure that the health of his chicken is not compromised. Getting fresh eggs from the backyard farm of layers depends on good management ...
Record maintenance is a crucial activity in any business. It serves as an important source for monitoring and evaluation as well as to analyze the profit or loss made. A business can be efficiently managed, only if proper recording of data is carried out ...
Having a flock of chicken requires some tasks that you need to tend to daily and monthly. These chores will keep your hens happy, healthy, and safe. Chicken care doesn’t have to be hard, and these tips can help you make sure you’re ...