Uncategorized – Sokies Feeds Limited https://conversionfeeds.com Intraco Belgium Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:56:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.5 Intraco Feeds Formulation: Lets Mix Our Feeds Well https://conversionfeeds.com/intraco-feeds-formulation-lets-mix-our-feeds-well/ https://conversionfeeds.com/intraco-feeds-formulation-lets-mix-our-feeds-well/#comments Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:36:30 +0000 https://conversionfeeds.com/?p=1139 Note Let’s mix our feeds well, and heed to the availed formula. Diluting these formula disorganise the energy and protein levels needed by birds at each stage. It will hinder productiona and you wont get eggs as expected. To ensure an optimal start for your young broiler chicks, use pre-start, the new intraco pre-starter feed.

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Let’s mix our feeds well, and heed to the availed formula. Diluting these formula disorganise the energy and protein levels needed by birds at each stage. It will hinder productiona and you wont get eggs as expected.

To ensure an optimal start for your young broiler chicks, use pre-start, the new intraco pre-starter feed. a 2.5mm complete feed pellet that delivers an excellent balance in vitamin -minerals and in all required vital amino acids.

Pre- start contains 23% crude protein level , high digestability for young broilers from 0-7 days old. Other specific additives included are phytase and xylanase enzymes salinomycine anti coccidiostatic (Sacox) anti-oxydants and anti-mold preservertives.


Intraco Layer 20% Mixing Formula

Week 1 to 6/8 weeks.

Day 1 to 7: Give intraco prestarter.

Bran. 225kg

Week 6/8 to week 17.

Bran. 395kg

Week 17 to 20 week(pre lay)

Bran. 380kg

20weeks to 40/45weeks

Bran. 300kg

40/45 weeks to end of lay.

Bran. 300kg


Mixing Formula For Intraco Broiler 35%

From 0 to 7days
Give intraco pre starter

From day 7 to 14(starter)

Broken 28kg

Grower (15 to 35 days)

Broken 34.5kg

Finisher (35 days till sell)

Broken 37kg

Ensure change over from one feed to another is gradual

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Manage flock, with ease and less antibiotic usage https://conversionfeeds.com/manage-flock-with-ease-and-less-antibiotic-usage/ https://conversionfeeds.com/manage-flock-with-ease-and-less-antibiotic-usage/#respond Thu, 22 Aug 2019 09:32:18 +0000 https://conversionfeeds.com/?p=850 How we managed to raise this flock, with ease and less antibiotic usage These are BELGIUM BIRDS using INTRACO FEEDS We made a good preparation that included disinfection four times in the brooder, using VIROCID before the chicks arrived. Even when we spread the coffee husks on the floor, we again sprayed them. 1. we

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How we managed to raise this flock, with ease and less antibiotic usage


We made a good preparation that included disinfection four times in the brooder, using VIROCID before the chicks arrived.
Even when we spread the coffee husks on the floor, we again sprayed them.

  1. 1. we have always avoided pouring water around the drinkers, on the floor of the brooder, removing any caked litter.
    2. Maintaining drinkers clean, keeping the water clean, raising drinkers from the ground at week three.
    3. We always start our chicks on intraco pre starter, a well formulated feed for better growth.
    4. We used good quality charcoal with no smoke.
    5. We properly spaced the chicks, improving on the spacing on a weekly basis
    6. We got good quality Chicks. These were from belgium
    7. At day 1, we gave them glucovitam and Apsa amnovit Continued apsa amnovit for 10 days. This has enabled us to have very low mortality, improve immunity, appetite and growth.
    8. We usually withdraw drugs from water two days before vaccination, and give anti stressor Apsa amnovit after vaccination. During our vaccinations, we make sure the ester is chlorine free for at least 24hrs before vaccination, to avoid interference with the vaccines.
    9. Raking litter is always done in the morning and misting with VIROCID disinfectant follows. The brooder papers are removed on day 7. Then after that we just go on with daily raking and misting of the litter
    10. We open tarplins during day for proper ventilation, but we fix them back if the weather is changing.
    11. We kept on expanding the brooder as the chicks grow. We never judge their growth with only our eyes. we sample 10% of the flock on a weekly basis, then compare the outcome (average weights) with the management guide.
    12. We have restricted access to the brooding room to only the workers who are responsible for the brooder. We limit movements in and out of the farm, we don’t need visitors in the first three months of our chicken life.
    13. The foot bath is always full of a disinfectant, and the workers are making use of it. It is punishable to just jump the foot bat
    14. We didnt just give feeds any howly. Feed increment was done according to the management guide says. In week one, we give 12g/bird/day. Week 2 we give 18g/bird/day. So we measure feed as we are guided by the management guide of ISABROWN.
    15. Our feeders are clean. We don’t add feed when the feeders are dirty.
    16. Apsa amnovit helped us protect these birds against diseases, reduce mortality, giving them good growth and uniformity, with a very good appetite.

Timely vaccinations, buying vaccines from the right sources, proper vaccine handling, and following vaccination guides from the supplier of the chicks.

Give Apsa amnovit: and apsa plivit

1.After vaccination, apply 5-7days.
2.After deworming, apply 5-7 days.
3.From day one of brooding to day 10.
4.During any stressful period,

A monthly supplementation gives a better immunity against disease, and maintaining a better performance.

Also Read Layer Farm Management

Sokies Feeds Ltd

Bombay Gardens, Plot 9 Old Kampala
Kampala 256
Phone: 0393 224 318
Secondary phone: 0757 065 161
Email: admin@conversionfeeds.com

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Layer Farm Management https://conversionfeeds.com/layer-farm-management/ https://conversionfeeds.com/layer-farm-management/#comments Wed, 21 Aug 2019 09:11:08 +0000 https://conversionfeeds.com/?p=836 LFM is all about egg-laying poultry birds to produce commercial eggs. Actually, layer chickens are a special breed of hens. These chickens must be raised from the day-1 of their age. As a result, you’ll start getting eggs from their 18-19 weeks of age on a commercial basis. House Preparation Prior to delivery of the

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LFM is all about egg-laying poultry birds to produce commercial eggs. Actually, layer chickens are a special breed of hens. These chickens must be raised from the day-1 of their age. As a result, you’ll start getting eggs from their 18-19 weeks of age on a commercial basis.

House Preparation

Prior to delivery of the chicks
• Clean and disinfect cages or floor brooding area and equipment, the building interior and attached service areas and equipment.
• Check to make sure equipment is working properly and is adjusted to the right height.
• Remove all old feed from bins, hoppers, and troughs. Disinfect and allow to dry before new feed is delivered.
• Place rodenticide where it will not be consumed by the chicks.

One day before delivery
• Place heating system to get the correct brooding temperature.
• Check water system and adjust to proper height for chicks.
• Clean and disinfect the water system.
• Place rodenticide where it will not be consumed by the chicks.

On delivery day
• Have waterers full or water system in operation.
• Add water-soluable vitamins and electrolytes to encourage drinking.
• Check brooder temperatures.
• As chicks are placed, trigger water cups or nipples to encourage drinking.
• When nipple drinkers are used, reduce the water pressure so birds can see the drop of water hanging on the drinker.
• Feed should be placed on paper in cage.
• Operate feeders at highest feed level.

Pullet Management

• Grow pullets in strict isolation from older birds. Maintain good sanitation. Plan work routines so that disease-causing agents cannot be carried from older birds to the growing pullets.
• During the first 6 weeks, operate feeders to provide feed at least twice daily. Starting at 2 to 3 weeks of age, check feed consumption and body weights against the body weight standards for the specific Hy-Line variety.
• Weigh at least 100 pullets weekly during the growing period, beginning at 2 to 3 weeks of age.
• Check water availability in each cage row daily. Check for and repair bleaks. Raise waterers as the birds grow (nipples higher than the birds’ heads; cups or troughs level with their backs).

•Plan and follow a vaccination schedule to fit the location. Remove mortality daily and dispose of properly. Examine for causes of excessive mortality.
• Three days before moving pullets to the laying house, begin using water-soluble vitamins and electrolytes in the drinking water. Continue for 3 days after housing. This helps minimize the stress of moving. Handle birds gently during transfer to avoid injuries.
• Pullets should be housed at 17 weeks of age, before the onset of sexual maturity.

Monitoring Body Weight

• Start monitoring body weight at 2 weeks of age.
• Continue monitoring until at least after the peak.
• Weigh at least 100 birds weekly, and compare with the standard curve of the breed.
• Influences:
• Nutrition
• Beak treatment
• Vaccination schedule
• Disease
• Crowding

Beak Treatment

• In the hatchery with infra-red, or at the farm between 7-10 days.
• If necessary, retrim between 12 to 14 weeks.

• Only use well-trained crews for beak trimming.
• Do not hurry, and don’t trim sick birds.
• Use electrolytes and vitamins (containing vitamin K) in the water 2 days before and 2 days after beak trimming.
• Keep feed at the highest level for several days after beak trimming. If a coccidiostat is used in the feed, supplement it with water-soluble coccidiostats until feed consumption returns to normal.
• If a second beak trimming is performed, the starter feed can be re-introduced for 1 to 3 weeks afterwards to account for the lower feed intake and ensure body weight gains.

Nest Training

• To avoid as many floor eggs as possible.
• After the transfer, encourage the chicks to explore the nests. Open the nest curtains, add some extra lighting, …
• Try not to have shadows in the lay house, as dark areas outside the nest will encourage floor eggs.
• Collect the eggs twice a day, and keep the nests clean and private.


• Workers and visitors
• All workers and visitors entering the farm, should do so at a central location. Visitors should use a logbook to document their visits.
• Anyone having been on another poultry facility within 96 hours should not be permitted access.
• Clean boots, clothing, and head cover should be provided for everyone working or visiting the farm. Ideally, workers should be limited to a single house, and have dedicated clothing. Per person and per house.
• Clean footbaths containing disinfectant should be placed outside the entries to all poultry houses.
• The removal of old hens from the farm is a time when disease can be introduced. The trucks and crews used to transport old hens have often been on other farms.

• Rodents are known carriers of many poultry diseases and they are the most common reason for re-contamination of a cleaned and disinfected poultry facility.
• They are also responsible for house-to-house spread of disease on a farm.
• The farm should be free of debris and tall grass that might provide cover for rodents.
• Feed and eggs should be stored in rodent-proof areas.
• Bait stations should be placed throughout the house and maintained with fresh rodenticide. Check and rebait them regularly!

General rules of thumb
• Try to prevent exposure of the flock to wild birds.
• Quickly and properly dispose of dead chicks.
• Cleaning and disinfection of the house between flocks serves to reduce the infection pressure for a new incoming flock.
• Flush and sanitize the water lines/system. All feed and manure should be removed from the housing before cleaning.


• Vertically transmitted disease.
• All BHV² PS flocks are free of Mycoplasmosis. Incubel guarantees the delivery of Mycoplasmosis-free chicks.
• Biosecurity
• Vaccination
• Egg yolk & equipment
• Company veterinary

Sokies Feeds Uganda Homepage

Sokies Feeds Ltd

Bombay Gardens, Plot 9 Old Kampala
Kampala 256
Phone: 0393 224 318
Secondary phone: 0757 065 161
Email: admin@conversionfeeds.com

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Step by step mitigation of gumboro disease. https://conversionfeeds.com/step-by-step-mitigation-of-gumboro-disease/ https://conversionfeeds.com/step-by-step-mitigation-of-gumboro-disease/#comments Tue, 20 Aug 2019 05:32:09 +0000 https://conversionfeeds.com/?p=816 Gumboro disease, also called infectious bursal disease (IBD), is a viral disease caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), which primarily targets the immune system of chickens. This disease is widely prevalent among turkeys and ducks who have not been induced with immunosuppression. Gumboro disease is a highly contagious disease occurring in chickens older than

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Gumboro disease, also called infectious bursal disease (IBD), is a viral disease caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), which primarily targets the immune system of chickens. This disease is widely prevalent among turkeys and ducks who have not been induced with immunosuppression. Gumboro disease is a highly contagious disease occurring in chickens older than 3 weeks of age. The disease is associated with various symptoms such as staining of feathers around the vent with feces and several urates, ruffled feathers, anorexia dehydration in the pectoral, thigh, and abdominal muscles, as well as impaired kidneys by chronic urate diathesis. Subclinical infection results in deficiency in immunological response to infectious Bronchitis, Newcastle disease, Marek’s disease, as well as increase susceptibility to gangrenous dermatitis and Inclusion Body Hepatitis.

It’s one of the deadliest diseases that affect birds btn 2 to 6 weeks Tho birds of up to 8 weeks can b affected.

Key signs

  1. Death of very many birds of age btn 2 to 8 weeks with in a short tym.
    Causes immunosupression giving chances of other diseases to infect the birds, so higher Chances of mixed infections.

Post Mortem findings

  1. Haemorrhages of the thigh and chest muscles.
    Inflammation of the bursa of fabricius.

Step by step handling
1. The vet first treats the farm owner emotionally, to calm him down in the struggle to save the birds
2. Seperate all weak and sick birds
3. Rebrood birds, return pots to the house and provide heat, since gumboro kills more in cold.
4. Mist the poultry house with virocid disinfectant to kill new virus and avoid infecting healthy birds. This is done at least twice a day
5. Mix hepatochem + APSA AMINOVIT + Glucovitam and give the birds, always half fill the drinkers to enable birds drink so first, and replace.
6. Give small fresh feeds but oftenly, to enable birds eat t faster.

1.Never and never introduce an antibiotic in this struggle it will b burdening the liver the more and more deaths will happen.
2.Dont inject birds in this struggle.


Sokies Feeds Ltd

Bombay Gardens, Plot 9 Old Kampala
Kampala 256
Phone: 0393 224 318
Secondary phone: 0757 065 161
Email: admin@conversionfeeds.com
For all your poultry solutions.

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